Tuesday, May 18, 2004

As often happens, Jay Rosen makes more sense than anybody else in the debate about whether mainstream media should have shown graphic images of the Berg beheading.

The odd thing about this discussion is that the terrorists and many war-supporters are on the same side: They both think the beheading video should be widely disseminated. The war bloggers think the video will reinforce American beliefs about the justice of our cause (and divert attention from the prison scandal); the terrorists think, I suppose, that however much Americans may bluster about their commitment to the war, the video will in fact terrify us and discourage private investment in Iraq, which in turn will slow reconstruction and make conditions more favorable for breeding new terrorists.

Which side is right? I have no idea. But it's strange to see the media attacked for hating America because they refuse to give the terrorists what they want by showing the video.

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