Saturday, October 30, 2004

Sort of extreme

Over at City Lights, Tony Lewis brands me an "extreme moderate." As a great statesman once said, "Extremism in the defense of moderation is ... " well, never mind.

Unlike Tony, I have no particular interest in using my newspaper (or the blogosphere) as a soapbox to preach to the world. What does interest me is making the world a better and more reasonable place, even if only by tiny increments. I don't see how to do that by standing at one extreme and trying to pull the world toward you. I think you have to take up reasonable ground somewhere in the middle and try to steer in the direction you want to go.

Heck, you don't even have to know where you want to wind up. You just have to steer.


Anonymous said...

Considering you have had two extremists writing columns in the Outpost, Molnar and Natelson perhaps its time to give Jackie Corr his own column for a little balance...


Rocky Smith said...

Can you name me some great moderates through history? I can't think of any. I'm not saying there weren't any- just that I can't think of who they were.

Just steer without even knowing where you want to end up? Sounds pointless. It is nice to be viewed as a centrist though isn't it? I'm sure that makes you seem much more reasonable and likeable than those who are on either end.

I hold some views that would be considered conservative and some which would be liberal. I'm for legalised medical marijuana and against nationalised health care as two examples. I submit that nobody is totally conservative or liberal. We all have varying opinions on different subjects. If taking a stance on a subject makes me an "extremist" then so be it. At least I have the courage to have an opinion. Many stand in the middle and wait to see where the majority will land. They don't want that extremist label applied to them. They desire to be seen as reasonable and moderate. I have more respect for the extreme liberal who fights for his beliefs, even if I disagree with his views. At least he had an opinion of his own.