Saturday, January 20, 2007

Montana headlines

I'm behind the curve as usual, I suppose, but an e-mail just brought my attention to Montana Headlines, a blog devoted to commenting on The Billings Gazette "and beyond." It's an interesting idea, although I can't say I'm terribly impressed by the early entries (except for the one that says my analysis of a recent Gazette editorial "can't really be improved on").

The most recent post says The Gazette used quotation marks to make Republicans look bad in a recent op-ed piece. It's true that quotation marks can be used to indicate skepticism or disbelief, but I sure didn't see that in the ones here. Well, it will be fun to watch.


Anonymous said...

Noticed that whoever put up this blog doesn't allow comments by readers. Perhaps he doesn't want any riff and/or raff saying things he doesn't wat to hear. (Just like Cheney & Dubya...)

Kirk Dooley, Mesa, AZ

Anonymous said...

I just can't come to terms with people's assertion that the Gazette leans left. I hate to say it, but I think it stems from the knuckle-dragging denizens of this godforsaken provincial cesspool and their pathetic reactionary "politics," which is force-fed to them by the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Having lived in places where the dailies really do pitch left or right, it seems to me that the Gazette is unabashedly (and confoundedly) apolitical. Which is fine; they want to sell a bunch of newspapers. It galls me, however, that there isn't an alternative weekly in this shithole with the guts to tack left. Anyone know of an editor with the guts to speak to the bullshit being force-fed us by our government and their propaganda machine on AM radio and cable news?

Anonymous said...

Todd— Try Radio Cuba. Also, I hear Venezuela will be offering some new TV and Radio programming pretty.

Anonymous said...

Teen Apple: Pretty.

Anonymous said...

Todd, haven't you noticed that Outpost columnists Cathy Siegner, Roger Clawson and Scott Prinzing aren't exactly raging right-wingers?

Anonymous said...

Dave: How does Scott's music reporting pigeonhole him as a leftist? Should he write more about polka bands?

Anonymous said...

Republicans party to "Let the Eagle Soar".