Monday, May 16, 2005

Attack dog

Even moderate Republicans are getting turned off by the persistent nastiness and partisanship of the MT GOP Ebrief. Pete Hansen, who describes himself as "35 degrees left of the far right," sent me his response to a May 10 Ebrief that started this way: "Our petulant little tyrant of a governor has struck again, giving us a third example of the complete lack of respect that he has for his office."

Pete responded, in part: "Could we possibly have a little less of the 'Junkyard Dog' rhetoric and a bit of moderation? The party, of which I am one, is taking on the appearance of a small dog snapping at the ankles of both the Governor and the Democrats in toto at any opportunity! Frankly, you're not making a lot of friends among the electorate and, if continued, your actions will continue us as a minority party in years to come. Many folks I talk to, from both parties, are fed up with the 'Them and Us' actions of the legislature thus far."

To which Chuck Denowh of MT GOP responded: "I'm not sure what you mean. When the Democrats do something bad, we have to call them on it. I'm not about to let them skate through unchecked. Keep in mind that our email newsletter is for our Republican base. I wish it were more widespread and that more of the independent electorate were engaged enough to read it, but that's just not realisitic. There's nothing wrong with partisanship - but there is plenty wrong with hypocricy."

Let's see. A party member complains that divisive rhetoric is turning off reasonable people in the middle, and the party defends divisive rhetoric by arguing that reasonable people in the middle aren't engaged. Can Denowh really be this clueless?


Anonymous said...

Easy answer. YES, chucky really IS that clueless! And for that, I'd really like to send to chucky a heartfelt THANK YOU! The anti-bodies are comin' home to roost! Chucky is sympomatic of a disease called rightwing extremism, and it's characterized by "lice on the body politic", and other such wonderful, noble, creative phrases. What little chucky doesn't understand is that along with the "lice" are the antibodies. We can see them growing and reacting. It's nature way in a democracy. Mr. Hansen is an antibody. He is the antibody to the disease of rightwing extremism. And he will prevail, as will the group up near Kalispel. The chucky disease will soon be rendered asympomatic, and the state will get back to normal. Chucky is the disease, Mr. Hansen is the antibody, Gov. Schweitzer is the doctor who prescribes bi-partisanship by selecting John Bohlinger, a Republican as his running mate, and Montana, the body politic, will soon be cured!.......and rid of this nasty little disease!

Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

Chuck Rightmire said...

The Montana Republicans have always been farther right than the little pinkie of the party. There have been registered liberal Republicans in other states who have become flaming Liberal Democrats after returning to Montana. But when you look at what we've had for Republicans for the last few years, Schweitzer,. a middle of the roader, is liberal. What with Denowh and Roy Brown and their ilk (including the former Judy No-Smartz) in the Republicans Party what can you expect. They will be trying to trash the Democrats for being unable to fix in less than 60 days what they wrecked in 12 years.

Anonymous said...

David: Obviously you were asking a rhetorical question. You know poor Denoweth is one of the most clueless people in Montana. He might be "energizing the base," if "the base" is defined as those too lazy to think and therefore need to read rabid slogans in billboard-size letters. But if Chuck and the party leaders who allow him to persist in his disreputable behavior think they can build a strong party by alientating people like Pete Hansen ... well, I guess they'll end up with what they deserve.

Randy said...

If the MT GOP e-brief continues with the same editorial policy and end up alienating GOP loylaists such as Pete Hansen they will have done more for the Democratic party than Howard Dean ever will.

Anonymous said...

So I couldn't spell Denowh's name correctly. At least I wasn't trying to insult him --- except where I called him one of the most clueless persons in the state of Montana.

David said...

Ed: At least you got "alientating" right.

Anonymous said...

Ed, you and I both have to slow down and edit our comments after wafting a few of the local brew pub offerings.


Anonymous said...

Roger, I dont know what your talkign about. I am perfecectly capable of typing uP my thouhgts at any time of the day of night, without anyones help.

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