Saturday, February 26, 2005

New kid on the block

I'm not quite sure what to make of this, but it's pretty impressive and a little scary. Just take a gander at the "about us" section.


David said...

Loxjet, I hear a lot of complaints about Natelson, but I've have never heard from anyone who has demonstrated that he is dishonest, irrational or lying. On the contrary, he cites respectable sources for nearly everything he writes. If he's making that stuff up, then prove he's wrong.

When I said "scary," by the way, I didn't mean scary for you. I meant scary for me. Those credentials are impressive and a bit initimidating for a non-tech savvy competitor.

Anonymous said...

Well, Loxjet, ya want'a know something? Ol' perfusser Nasalsound enjoys using his OWN slanted studies in his articles!! Now THIS is beyond the pale! Robby writes his own study, THEN QUOTES IT! So, not only is it in print once, but twice! Now THAT'S a pretty goofy thing to do in my book! It's kinda like the gannon/guckert/ "reporter" escort thing! It's all fake! But no one can say that Presidunce bush doesn't support the military. Heck, he even hired a guy from! Wonder just HOW familar the chimp is with mr. gannon/guckert/hotmilitarystud?!! Course, the perfesser himself never quite made it into the military during Vietnam! But he did save the flag once according to his wife's editorial in the paper from a group of war protesting students who were going to burn it! Hey, I wonder if Robby has his own site, maybe something like

Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers. We hold the hard line of hope.

David said...

Thanks for your thoughtful response. But I stand by my defense of Natelson. He certainly is by no stretch comparable to the calculatedly irresponsible Ann Coulter. Although I don't always (or even often) agree with him, he is a smart guy whose opinions I respect. And his assertions normally are open to challenge on the basis of data, which makes them testable.

I think, for example, that Gov. Martz does deserve some credit for the budget surplus. If she had to take the heat for her tightfisted budgets -- which she did -- then she deserves some credit for leaving money in the bank account. Natelson's account may not be fair and balanced, but that's what opinion writing is all about.

I think he also has a point about college hiring practices. I'm no expert, but I've hung around academia enough to sense that what faculties look for when they hire and award tenure is "collegiality." They may not consciously exclude conservatives; they just don't find conservatives pleasant to be around.

I am always open to reasonable viewpoints from the other side. Indeed, I get criticized far more often for printing too much that leans left than right. I don't keep score, but I do like strong opinions from all ends of the spectrum.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this "Larry Kralj" or Anonymous realizes what an ass he comes across as with his idiotic made-up slander and stupid names. If you have a reasonable point or a valid argument, you don't need this vulgar stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Well, if YOU see something incorrect in those posts, PLEASE POINT OUT WHAT IT IS! Natelson's wife DID write such a letter to the Missoulian! He HAS quoted his own studies! He RAN from service in Nam! He CLAIMS to have saved a flag from protesting students during his college days, at great risk to his person! Bush DID hire a homo with his own web site entitle, a guy who lobbed such hardballs at the Chimp as, "how can you work with the dems when they're so far removed from reality"! So, mr. big talker, PROVE HIM WRONG!....or do you just show up to pass gass occassionally? Seems that it's YOU who's slandered someone here!

Anonymous said...

I never said that your points were wrong - read what I posted. If you have valid points then you don't need the vulgar stupidity: "Perfussor; presidunce; the chimp; Nasalsound; etc.

Make your points in an intelligent manner and people might actually pay attention to you.