Saturday, November 12, 2005

End times

Before the election I meant to post a contest asking for predictions on the headline that the Montana News Association would use to describe the result if Tussing won. What a letdown: The headine was "Final election results."

I was going to bet on "Satan rules city."


Anonymous said...

D'ya thing Brother Pat is going to ask God to wipe Billings off the map, since it scorned Brother Al? (Or maybe he's just going to have the Gummint take Ron out after they finish of Chavez.)

Kirk Dooley (at least I sign my posts...)

Anonymous said...

Cyphers can't go into great detail about the election yet; he's too busy sticking pins in his Ron Tussing voodoo doll and praying for whatever god he worships to smite him mightily, yea, verily.

Anonymous said...

Your whipping boy failed you. Cyphers does as all harm by giving you reason for gloating and arrogance. Are