Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hockey for-never

Should county government subsidize sports? My take is in this week's Outpost.


Anonymous said...

David says, "From a larger perspective, Billings is at an awkward size: large enough to fuel plenty of demand for amenities but not quite large enough to provide much operating cushion for those amenities."

That is the root of the problem. The question is, will the Zoo close and the Mustangs move to a another community before the City is large enough to support everything we are demanding?

If we lose the Zoo and the Mustangs it would be years before we would be able to replace them.

Anonymous said...

I think the commissioners made the right decision.

If the county is subsidizing hockey $10,000 a month, the Bulls need to find a market than can support them.

Anonymous said...

Before it was purged of some of its best people, the Zoo was carefully acquiring funding as it went. Many of the key positions were funded by outside grants.

I volunteered at the zoo for several years until its remarkably compentent education and volunteer coordinator was replaced by someone who was a mistmatch for the job in every way.

The last time my family went to the zoo, the lobby area was filthy, and the folks manning the desk were more than indifferent, they were hostile. The zoo is struggling because it is poorly led.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate you insight, Jim, was Deb Wines cometent or a mismatch?

Jay Kirkpatrick is another story...

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I didn't take the time to learn the new person's name.

I went in to work a shift shortly after Rosalee was let go, and I was introduced to the person who had taken over her duties. Perhaps that person was unpleasant because she was having a bad day, but it was my last day.

Mr. Kirkpatrick, on the other hand, was always great with the volunteers.