Monday, February 27, 2006


Some of the newest Lee Enterprises employes, those at the St. Louis Post Dispatch, aren't happy.

Read far enough and you'll see that Lee's circulation fell in the last fiscal year.


Anonymous said...

I read the article twice looking for some mention of news quality. I guess you can't comment on what is not there.

Anonymous said...

There's no way Lee Enterprises will make it with a bunch of dumb-shit women running the company.

Anonymous said...

I’ll take the trailer trash trolls over the filthy mouthed homosexuals any day.

Anonymous said...

Summerlin-- You sound like your butt plug is too tight.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. What good’s a leftwing blog without a few faggots slithering around?

Anonymous said...

It’s creatures like Summerlin that really make you understand why the Nazis did what they did.

Anonymous said...

LEE Enterprises is a dangerous publication interested only in market share… which is not related to good journalism in the boardroom. They have no positive interest in community state/local. There is no accountability for the truth or journalistic values. Publications like this move into an area and take over like organisms. This publication profits from the creation of disharmony; just like those rags talking about so-and-so’s latest boob job. They are not interested in the truth, and it must be a hell hole of an environment to work in. They have held our city hostage, attacked the police department under the veil of truth seeking; threatened the county under the color of the journalism. Most recently they have had a friend of mine threatened for voicing comments over veterans issues. He just wanted to point out the importance of accentuating the positive in writing about veterans issues, and not confusing the issue with a liberal argument against the Department of State or current Administration. The poor man lost his job as a result of the Gazettes strong arming, and actually fears for his life because of the power of the liberal press. Talk about failures in the system. The press has responsibility to the truth. But as we all know, nothing but incestuous relationships between government and press exist in this type of media market. The irony is they, the LEE, will continue to grow as an organism; why, because they have a great big press a large warehouse of paper, and money to back it all up. It reminds me of Stalinist journalism. This being said there is a self immobilizing result, a silencing, and a self sabotaging affect to their type of journalism. I’m just hoping that when they auction that press, it goes cheap enough that the truth can afford it.