Friday, November 17, 2006

Pony up

Gee, I wonder if this piece of news will affect The Outpost's chances of cashing in on a chunk of change from the state's largest advertiser.


Anonymous said...

I wanna know just HOW much ol' Siebel gets in tax breaks for funding things like his meth project. Look, the guy's a freakin' BILLIONAIRE! Is it really a whole lotta sweat off HIS back to finance a meth program?! It looks to me to be simply a rich outta stater who likes to get his name in the papers, possibly for a political run some day. I mean, if I were a BILLIONAIRE, I wouldn't be so damn cheap as to start a program, and then have to public foot the bill! I mean, how freakin' cheap can ya get?! If you're a BILLIONAIRE, what's a million or two that you write off anyway?! Call this bozo what he is. A cheapskate outtastater!


Anonymous said...

Even a very good man who does a wonderful thing, with money he honestly earned and didn't have to contribute ANY of, gets taken over the coals by some people. We live in a discouragingly cynical society, especially in the assumption that anyone who does a good thing for the society must have ulterior motives.

Anonymous said...

Dave, have you NEVER seen people with lots of money who donate it simply to get a tax break? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! Happens all the time sad to say. Now, call me cynical, but let's just say that this outta-stater Siebel fella has political aspirations. What would be the BEST way to get his name out there in the public? Easy answer. METH! He takes meth to new heights!, and gets a healthy tax write off in the process. Looks, and smells, a might suspicious to me! But, Dave, let's assume that you're right when you say that he's a "good" man. Wouldn't a good man who also happens to be a GAZILLIONAIRE spring for a few million to continue his freakin' program instead of hosin' the public with the remaing costs??? I mean, really, seriously, Dave, what's a freakin' million to a BILLIONAIRE?! Now, even Ted Turner can do better than that! Teddy GAVE A BILLION to the U.N. Now THAT'S a good man. Sorry, but Siebel hasn't convinced me that he's a "good man", or a bad man. His donation is about the same as me givin' a nickel to a bum. The bum would probly flip me the bird as I walked away, and well he should! Let's see if Seebull is a real cowboy and pony's up for the rest to continue HIS program, or he simply gets the bird!