Saturday, March 26, 2005

Happy Easter

If religious conservatives had their way, Jesus never would have died for our sins. He would still be on life support.


David said...

James, I don't see it as the least bit profane. The point is that if you believe anything at all about religion, you believe that people die for a reason -- Jesus, Terri Schaivo, you, me. Keeping the heart and lungs pumping, just because you can, doesn't change that.

My own religious training provides me with no useful guidance on how to act in the Schaivo case. But it does teach me that the body isn't the thing that matters. What bugs me is that the people who should understand that best appear to understand it least.

David said...

I meant Schiavo.

Randy said...

Very funny and not in the least profane.
Interesting how statements which hint so closely to the truth bother some people so much.

Anonymous said...

Oh HELL, let's just be honest here, shall we! If the Lord were here today, Presidunce would have his arse in GITMO gettin' tortured! For you see, nazis like the messenger but hate the message!

Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

David said...

James, I think this is where America already has arrived. These sorts of decisions are being made every day, mostly without public scrutiny. I talked to a friend just today whose family is going through one as we speak. It will never make the news.

The Schiavo case drew attention only because of a custodial dispute that resulted in an extensive and highly public debate, which made it a convenient springboard for theocrats like Cal Thomas to use to try to force their religion on others.

I'm sorry if I offended your religious sensibilities, but I do take this stuff seriously. If people are going to thrust their religion (Muslim or otherwise) into the public square in an effort to limit my choices in matters like these, then, yes, I will use whatever resources are at hand to make my points.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy J.,
HOW WRONG YOU ARE! This is certainly NOT a left right battle at all! It is a teensy, tiny, miniscule group on the exteme, way out there, too far to see with a telecope rightwing wacko crowd! Think I'm kidding? Well, then, READ THE DAMN POLLS! The entire country has moved WAY beyond this issue except of course presidunce and his peabrained brother who tried unsuccessfully to pander this into something that it's not. That's all. And hey, sorry to hear that YOUR god doesn't have a sense of humor! That's WAY sad!!


Anonymous said...

Blogger, I just started a new blog called Ugly Blog, so I've been looking around for ugliest related blogs. Anyway, I found this entry (Happy Easter) during my search so I thought I'd make a quick post to let you know! I'd be happy to trade links if you're interested. Have a great day - Eric