Sunday, May 22, 2005

Prescient Molnar

Public Service Commissioner (and former Outpost columnist) Brad Molnar stopped by and pointed out that the guts of this Great Falls Tribune story showed up in The Outpost back in September 2003.


Anonymous said...

That Brad. He's just a regular regulation kinda guy! Ooops! Didn't he vote for dereg in the first place? Of COURSE he did! That's why I've labeled Brad and ALL the other dereg bozos out there with the Scarlet D on their foreheads! They must NEVER, EVER be allowed anywhere near energy policy again! They must be condemned to wander aimlessly forever through the state that they destroyed!, kinda like energy zombies, as a reminder (along with Booby Gannon's three million dollar house on Flathead Lake) to future generations of what happens when you let morons play with energy policy! If Brad really wants to be of public service, he can offer himself up as a bad example! But rehabilitation and forgiveness is impossible! It was just THAT STUPID of a mistake! The Scarlet D is their only reward!

Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

Anonymous said...

Keep ranting & raving Larry -

The legislature didn't de-regulate energy in Montana, the PSC did.

The legislature did not, and cannot de-regulate energy, or re-regulate energy, it rests with the 5 PSC members. 3 Democrats, and 2 Republicans.

Anonymous said...

I really must ask, is that a painful affliction? Having one's head continually up one's arse? Just wondering. Might I suggest a home remedy? Maybe a jug of prune juice should flush the problem right out!

"Public anger and bitterness directed at Montana Power is palpable. Some of it, however, is misdirected. It was the state legislature and the governor who betrayed Montanans with the hasty embrace of deregulation, not Montana Power. The company doesn't owe the customers, communities or employees anything, not even loyalty. Our elected leaders do. Rather than blaming Montana Power for looking after its interests, ask legislators why they didn't do a better job of looking out for you"!

The Missoulian Editorial

Shortly after the dereg fiasco, of which brad was a BIG part! Hey, if the crime fits, WEAR IT! Brad should be man enough to own up to his HUMGUMOUS screwups! This ain't junior high. We don't give grades for effort! Brad, alond with EVERY bozo that screw us over, screwed up! And as I have repeatedly said, these people should NEVER be allowed to play with loaded energy policies again!