Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bumper sticker of the day

"Viva Tancredo"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that's funny as hell! Luv it! But you know, the really ironic thing is that the name Tancredo itself appears AWFULLY Latino to me. Hmmm. I wonder if ol' tancredo don't have a wetback in the woodshed somewheres????

Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

Y para mis amigos Latinos, bienvendios a los estados unidos, y Uds. pueden quedarse aqui para siempre. Y no presten atencion a los idiotas como tancredo, porque la verdad es que todos somos hermanos aqui, y los estados unidos es un "melting pot". Y el nombre Tancredo me parece MUY hispanico! Que hipocrita!

Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!