Sunday, July 29, 2007

Move on, Moveon

Trying to get advertisers to pull ads from Fox News strikes me as a terribly bad idea. Given the overwhelming -- if badly exaggerated -- perception that most news tilts left, it makes no sense for leftists to encourage businesses, which mostly tilt right, to make advertising choices based on political biases. It's brainless.


Anonymous said...

One definition of a leftist is anyone who never studied economics.

There is no way a few social malcontents, furiously typing away at their computers, will have any impact on cable news, its audience, or its advertisers. Get the Numbers

Anonymous said...

Hey, burger boy, my definition of a rightie is someone with the speaking skills of cornrad burns, the intellect of judy mars, the ethics of marc racico, the religion of rick jork, and the television presence of michael lange! It's a person who thinks the earth is four thousand years old, and will fight to the last drop of the last American soldier's blood so that an idiot from texas can feel like a man! There, did I leave anything out?


Anonymous said...

I always thought no two conservatives were alike!


Anonymous said...

"my definition of a rightie is someone with the speaking skills of cornrad burns, the intellect of judy mars, the ethics of marc racico, the religion of rick jork, and the television presence of michael lange!"

Larry - this made me laugh, but I would have laughed even harder if you had called people by their real names. Anyway, good one!