Saturday, January 29, 2005

Buffalo Brian

I was in Helena on Friday and heard Gov. Schweitzer defend the cancellation of the buffalo hunt. He said Montana's has had three governors since the last hunt, and would probably have three more before the next hunt if this one had gone forward. In short, he argued, the hunt was too small to solve any bison problems and too unsporting (he referred to buffalo as a "refrigerator with horns") to avoid controversy.

But apparently buffalo hunts don't cause controversy everywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yada, yada, yada. But what the article FAILED to mention is that Marky Racicrotch (pronounced rossicrotch, Judy mars, and steve filcher of the mt. cattlemen's ASS., which has nothing to do with Montana ranchers) have PURPOSELY done EVERYTHING they could possibly do to blow this whole issue up into a world class crisis! Essentially, the management of the wild bison can NOT be allowed to exist in a fair, equitable, appropriate manner according to the Pubie criminals mentioned above. For you see, everything, lieterally EVERYTHING must now a days be commodified. If there exists a last instance of free roaming bison, they must be wiped out! For you see, when the white man arrived on the continent, there were approximately 80 million wild bison roaming the plains. All but about 23 were slaughtered. This last remaining band took refuge in Yellowstone Park. They represent the last remnant of the once great herds that roamed this country. As such, they are a threat to all things capitalist. You CAN'T have such a magnificent reminder of a world in harmony! You can't have the idea that things were once better without walmarts and sen. cornhole burns! You absolutely can't have anything running around that can't be privatized and sold at a profit! Hell, it's un-Murcan! Therefore, pathetic little mini-men like little stevie filcher of the Montana Stockgrowers ASS. work tirelessly to boost up his little ego. Hey, stevie wants to feel like a REAL montanan. I mean, he wears cowboy boots! ha,aha,ah,aha,ha,aha,!

Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!