Sunday, January 09, 2005

Occasionally wacky

Left in the West calls Joe Balyeat's package of bills to reform the Montana Supreme Court "crazy." He's not entirely right. Here's my estimate:

• Opening Supreme Court deliberations to the public. GOOD IDEA.

• Electing justices from regions of the state. Currently, they are elected statewide. OK IDEA.

• Justices would run with political party affiliation. Currently, those seeking for the Supreme Court seats run nonpartisan campaigns. BAD IDEA.

• Paying justices the same rate as legislators: About $20,000 a year, plus expenses, slightly less than the wage of office assistants of Montana's district court judges. WACKY IDEA.

• Allowing the governor and Legislature to overrule the Supreme Court. WACKY, BORDERING ON INSANE, IDEA.

• Applying the same campaign spending caps to justice candidates and legislative candidates. Currently, campaign donations to justices are capped at $250 a person, the same limit as other statewide offices. Legislative candidates have a cap of $130 per donor. BAD IDEA.

• Justices would not have to be lawyers. Currently, only attorneys who have passed the state bar exam can run for the Montana Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is also head of the state bar. Balyeat's bill would have non-lawyers governing the practice of law. WACKY IDEA.

• Limiting the number of terms that justices could serve. BAD IDEA, BUT NOT CRAZY.

A few of my own thoughts about the Supreme Court are located here.


Anonymous said...

It appears that Joe Bullalot lacks even a basic understanding about how democratic government works. I think that poor little Joey has been eatin' too much Korean food perhaps. He thinks that he's Motana's own version of the Revrearend Skunk Yunk Moon! My OWN bill would require that Joe Bullalot and his twin, Roger Poopman of Bozeman, to wear one of those little helicopter beanies while they are in the capital building! I think that my bill makes JUST as much sense as the nonsense introduced by these two morons!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think that the lege should look at a Joe Bullalot Amendment, which would require the issuance of helicopter beanies to ALL legislators! That way, each morning Gov. Shcwietzer could start the day by saying, "Gentlemen, start your beanies"! And votes could be conducted by all those in favor, spin your beanies! All opposed, do NOT spin your beanies! Heck, since Joe wants to get goofy, let's go all the way!...........but it really is quite sad to see what's happened to the Repugnant part in Montana. I mean, you just KNOW

Anonymous said...

I thought Boozeville elected their last screwball when they sent Casey Emerson to the legi...