Thursday, June 07, 2007

New page

You can see the rudiments of the new Outpost web page here. I spent a good chunk of yesterday trying to get the blog up and running over there and made some progress but haven't figured out how to make the comments function work.

Obviously, this is a work in progress, and we welcome advice and assistance. Within a few days, I hope, we will be updating the news daily over there and blogging as well.


Vince said...

Awesome, David. Very up-to-date and hip look to it. I haven't played with Joomla but have set up a few other content management apps, Wordpress, PHPbb, phpmyfaq, etc. They all take a bit of twiddling but the result certainly makes life easier. Back in the older days, OK about 4-5 years ago, we were looking for something like this to put the Senior High newspaper online. My students ended up writing their own, which is still running fine. There are certainly much easier solutions now.

Anonymous said...

Hey, looks realy sharp. Is that jamba you are using? Don over at intelligent discontent has some experience with that. He might be a good resource.

Anonymous said...

Good call with joomla. It's a fuin platform to work with.

I have used it pretty extensively the past few years; if you want me to take a look at the commenting, I'd be happy to. Just drop me an email at dpogreba at